Deidra Moore-Janvier

Deidra Moore–Janvier,
Attorney and
Chief Executive Officer,
Deidra R. Moore, P.C.

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World Growth Forums Magazine October 2022

WGF Magazine October 2022

Creating Opportunities for People of Diverse Backgrounds

Deidra Moore-Janvier

By Deidra Moore–Janvier

Attorney and
Chief Executive Officer,
Deidra R. Moore, P.C.

Deidra Moore-Janvier WGF Magazine October 2022

WGF brings to its readers an exclusive interview with Deidra Moore–Janvier, who is a successful, respected and loved attorney in the United States. She is also the CEO of her own law firm, Deidra R. Moore, P.C.

Following her passion, she has authored the highly popular book titled, From Me, To You: The Power of Storytelling and Its Inherent Generational Wealth―An African American Story. It’s available on Amazon, as a Hardcover at a very attractive price:

The layout of the book is very interesting. The book is not only for Africans or Americans or African–Americans. It is for the entire world. It focuses on multiple aspects of African–American history, and features illustrations and short biographies of the most prominent nineteenth and twentieth-century civil rights activists, centering their voices with quotes and affirmations anchored in the time in which they lived.

WGF: Please list your achievements.

Deidra: I’m a proud mother of two, and a loving wife to my husband. I completed Law School without the emotional and financial support of my family (and that’s ok too). I started my Law Firm with about USD 400. I have been practicing law for more than 20 years now. I have created working opportunities for single mothers, college students and people of diverse backgrounds.

WGF: What specific have you done towards nation building?

Deidra: I am intentional about co-creating spaces and places where diversity, inclusion and belonging are seen, heard and felt by whomever I encounter.

In June 2022, I became a published author of a book that has begun positively impacting the lives of those who read it. It is titled, From Me, To You: The Power of Storytelling and Its Inherent Generational Wealth! I consider it an African American Story, but with multicultural benefits! From Me, To You contains a ‘generational wealth of knowledge’ for people of all ages!

You may see the KIRKUS Book Review below:

An independent school (K-12), as of September 2022, has changed the 5th Grade curriculum to include a social studies program surrounding my book: From Me, To You! Also, a Public School has purchased a bulk order and successfully got through the bureaucratic red tape to allow the children to receive a copy, and allowed me to participate in a Career Day Program, where the children were able to ask questions about From Me, To You!

WGF: What is your vision of a New United States of America?

Deidra: My vision of a new U.S.A. is of an America where the historical race-based constructs – in law, social and government – are no longer ruling America and creating the barriers to having more inclusive spaces and places throughout our imperfect nation!

My hope is that as many people as possible become learned in those parts of American History, which have been omitted, but which are needed so as to counteract the bias and unconscious bias conduct driven by racism, which is ruining our nation!

I was a single mother to my daughter when I quit my job to attend law school full time. I worked 3 jobs in NYC, while attending law school full time, and while meeting the demands of being a single mother to my daughter.

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WGF: Describe yourself as a person.

Deidra: I like to believe I am a person of integrity and good moral character, and I am trustworthy. I am equally as passionate about life, as I am about people. But most of all, I am unapologetically imperfect.

WGF: What is your inspiration in life?

Deidra: My inspiration in life is to espouse and live by the Golden (Platinum) Rule—DO UNTO OTHERS, AS YOU WILL HAVE DONE UNTO YOU! To always treat people the way you want to be treated! Lastly, to leave this earth better than we found it!

As I remain inspired by our youth, I will continue my mission of—reminding folks about the value in investing in our youth and teaching them about identity, self-worth and the value in investing in themselves.

WGF: What reforms do you think must be brought into your field of work?

Deidra: Legislative reform of laws to include Voting Rights Act that is not subject to attack with every voting/election year.

I would want to see more programs within corporate America, government jobs and in the private sector—where from top to bottom, people on all work levels learn and/or are trained to engage people from various angles of the diversity spectrum, and work, which will make for a more inclusive world.

WGF: What is your success story?

Deidra: I am a proud mother of two (an adult daughter and a minor son). I have created opportunities for myself, where opportunities did not exist, or were not accessible to me once being an underprivileged woman of color.

I have also become a published author of a book that has begun positively impacting the lives of those who read it. It is titled, From Me, To You: The Power of Storytelling and Its Inherent Generational Wealth―An African American Story! Though it is an African–American story, it is rife with multicultural benefits!

An independent school (K-12), as of September 2022, has changed the Grade-5 curriculum to include a social studies program surrounding my book: From Me, To You!

WGF: Please share some challenges you have faced in life.

Deidra: Having been raised in an environment where people were constantly drowning in the symptoms caused by racism in America—and living in an environment which allowed me to learn first-hand the many ways in which racism manifests itself in family dynamics and poor communities—I consider myself to be ‘an only child with siblings—having been raised by my grandmother’. I was a single mother to my daughter when I quit my job to attend law school full time. And while attending law school full-time, and needing to meet the demands and obligations that came with being a single parent—I managed to work 3 part-time jobs in NYC—attended law school in Queens County, before returning home to Bronx County, to meet the demands of being a single parent.

WGF: What reforms would make the United States better?

Deidra: Social improvements, prison reform, and the closing of the resulting gaps and disparities created from discriminatory practices here in America. Gaps such as the wealth gap, healthcare gap, housing gap, income gap, and education gap—and making each sector more equitable and accessible to the millions of black and brown people who live in our marginalized communities.

WGF: What message would you like to give to people in general as a nation builder?

Deidra: We are more alike than we are different! ‘Find your V.I.P. Status!—that is, find your Voice, Identity and Purpose, and don’t be afraid to use it for the betterment of yourself, your family and the communities at large, both locally and globally.

Deidra Moore-Janvier WGF Magazine October 2022
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